Voice Makeover Program

The DFW Voice Feminization Meetup Group Presents:

“Feminine Voice Makeover II” 3-Month Program
with Kathe Perez

A Community-Driven Speech Therapy Program for Trans Women

Timeline: Aug - Nov
(first meeting Wed Aug 12 at 6pm)

You receive a $667 value for
ONLY $80! 

This program is suitable for beginners, or those who have done some voice training but want to improve and build on a foundation to attend Kathe's more advanced training. 

This time around, most of the meetings will be online, so you will not need to appear at any specific place. That includes the meetings with Kathe as well as the gal pal meetings (though you can always meet in person if you want to). I will be available for tech support if anyone has trouble connecting, and also I can help you if you need a recording device.

At our our first meeting, Kathe instruct about what we’re doing. There is nothing anyone needs to do to prepare for that class. Kathe will provide the login info to everyone once we have everyone registered.

For more info, please see the the flyer. Feel free to print and distribute!

Group discussion will be handled in a private FaceBook group. Membership of this group will not be publicly visible, out of consideration for those who might not yet be "out". If you're interested in joining, apply for membership of the group, or contact Sheila Allen!

FULL DISCLOSURE: Starting with this program, my volunteer work is no longer purely volunteer. Kathe has generously agreed to provide me with some one-on-one voice consultation, as a form of barter for my efforts in organizing these groups and promoting her products.